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Areas of Expertise

Tantrums & Aggression

Tantrums come in all forms - flopping on the floor and crying to severe aggression, property destruction and even self injury. We address all levels of tantrum and aggressive behaviour.

As A Caregiver, you'll receive:


  • A complete assessment report

  • Personalized treatment recommendations designed to meet the family’s goals

  • Prevention strategies aimed to decrease behaviour immediately

  • Modelling and coaching of all strategies

  • Data collection to ensure behaviour is going in the direction we want to see

Non-compliant, or non-cooperative, behaviour can be extremely frustrating. Having to repeat instructions over and over again can wear you down and make you feel exhausted. It can also lead to power struggles in the home, or you end up removing every single privilege you can think of to no avail. Why won’t they listen?! Having worked with multiple types of children and youth that exhibit this type of behaviour, we specialize in this area.

​As A Caregiver, you'll receive:


  • In-depth caregiver interview to determine best fit of service model

  • An analysis of the triggers (aka antecedents) and consequences of the behaviour

  • Assessment of the function of behaviour (the “why”)

  • Interview with child/youth to assess behaviour function (pending child’s level of communication)

  • Family meeting to review and discuss treatment recommendations

  • Initial implementation of strategies by your consultant

  • Modelling and coaching of strategies with caregivers

Defiance & Non-compliance behaviour

Task & Routine Independence

Perhaps you are a routine-oriented family. You have great routines, the steps are clear, you know your child/youth can do all the steps but for some reason, they still take forever! You are a parent who has found themselves dressing their child to go to school when you know they can do it themselves; or having to stay in bed with their child to ensure they fall asleep without calling out, leaving the room, etc.… If any of these situations sound familiar, you are not alone. We are experts in this area because it is one of our most common parent concerns. Gamache Behaviour Consulting has helped many, many families with developing independence in completing routines and tasks.

As A Caregiver, you'll receive:


  • A complete assessment

  • Treatment recommendations targeted to increase independence

  • 1:1 treatment implementation by a therapist with the child, or coaching from a consultant- depending on the model of service you choose

  • Personalized planning to fit your families routine and home life

  • Generalizing and maintenance techniques built-in to ensure treatment success long term

  • Data collection to monitor skill development across the routine

Some children struggle with hearing “no”, a change of plans or having to wait. Tolerance training increases the child/youth’s skill set in these areas. It is a teaching approach that syncs with the pace of the child/youth. The goal of the training is for the child is able to learn to accept “no”, be able to adapt to a change in plans or be able to occupy themselves while waiting without engaging in behaviours of concern that would have previously occurred prior to training.

As A Caregiver, you'll receive:


  • A complete behaviour or skills assessment

  • Personalized treatment recommendations specific to your child/youth

  • Treatment set at a pace specific your child/youth’s ability to avoid evoking outbursts.

  • Treatment delivered 1:1 with your child by a therapist, or strategies coached to the parents by a consultant- depending on the model of service you choose

  • Prevention strategies to reduce behaviour immediately

  • Generalization and maintenance techniques built into treatment

  • On-going data collection to monitor behaviour and skill development


Creating & Maintaining Routines

It can seem such a simple thing to ask: “go brush your teeth”, or “time for bed”; however, these daily routines require a mastery of multiple skills to accomplish completing the entire sequence independently. At GBC, we help caregivers identify any skill deficit areas, design a plan to teach those skills and/or create a system to increase the use of the skills, so that independence in completing all the routine steps can be achieved.  

As A Caregiver, you'll receive:


  • An assessment of the routine/skill deficit area

  • Treatment recommendations targeted to specific areas of the routine

  • Generalization and maintenance techniques built into treatment from the onset

  • Treatment delivered 1:1 with your child by a therapist, or strategies coached to the parents by a consultant- depending on the model of service you choose

  • Data collection to monitor skill development

Functional Communication Training (FCT) is a treatment approach that teaches an individual to use an alternative, more appropriate, response/behaviour (e.g., requesting for a toy or asking for a break) that gets the person the same reinforcement their problem behaviour has been receiving (e.g., crying, screaming and pointing to get toy or screaming and throwing to get a break). FCT uses differential reinforcement to increase the use of the alternative appropriate response and decrease the use of the problem behaviour. 

As A Caregiver, you'll receive:


  • A complete skills or Behaviour Assessment

  • Personalized treatment recommendations, specifically exploring alternative/replacement behaviours that are suited for your child/youth and to your home or their environment

  • Prevention strategies to decrease behaviour immediately

  • Treatment delivered 1:1 with your child by a therapist, or strategies coached to the parents by a consultant- depending on the model of service you choose

  • On-going data collection monitoring behaviour and skill development

 Functional Communication


Work with Gamache Behaviour Consulting towards a peaceful home

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